Saturday, July 4, 2009

Writing does pay

Well I have been busy for the past few days writing. I would have never thought that I will be paid for writing but I am getting paid for it. I’m just starting and right now my rate is very low, in fact I can say that I am writing for a bargain price but I am enjoying it. Everybody have to start somewhere even if it’s a low paying writing job. Bottom line is I know I will get paid for it. Thanks to odesk.

I am also getting paid sharing my opinion and being in a forum. I use to have a high paying job in a call center. At first I was challenged and then it became a routine and then it became a no brainer job already. This time though it’s been a continuous challenge for me. A new topic that needs to be researched and written everyday gives me challenge and I felt like some part of my brain is actually in work. I always fantasized of being a writer or a journalist when I was a kid and I would even join school org and writing contests but I thought that it would stop there. I did not finish any course in college and certainly I’m not a journalist but I’m proud that I am getting paid for something that I love to do.

Advise to all the dreamers out there, don’t stop dreaming and don’t forget to get in touch with your dream. Try to make it happen because if you want it bad enough, it will happen. You might forget it like I did after a couple of years getting lost but after revisiting them I found the passion again and here I am getting paid for it. I’m happy for myself. I just hope that these writing jobs that I get will be high paying enough after sometime so I could still be a good provider.

1 comment:

Julyett Balagot Cassar said...

cool congrats ate :) at least you're slowly getting there :)
good luck!!! :)